You will find my response to Francesca’s blog post here!

Really well done on your blog post it looks amazing! It flows very well, easy to read and had definitely attracted my attention. The TED Talk you shared was very interesting and informative about how one can manage their digital identity and ensure to protect one’s digital footprint and ensure your digital presence is representing a positive outlook on yourself. I can relate to uphold strong privacy settings in my media platforms as I also like to post my actives, traveling and the little things I do throughout my week with family and friends.  A pro to having a private account is the access to accept or decline followers and create a selective audience that you trust. Also I resonate with your steps to maintaining a professional image online and like your point about presenting a professional image of yourself. It reminds me that I should probably update my facebook and LinkedIn images as they haven’t been updated in a few years.

Thanks for sharing your blog post and I really enjoyed hearing a new perspective on these areas of our digital world, and learning new tips when it comes to improving my online privacy!
