You will find my resonse to Abby’s blog post here!

I wanted to mention right away that your layout of your blog post is really well done. I enjoyed the headers as it’s easy for myself as a reader to understand what topics you will be talking about. Additionally, I liked how you incorporated one of your media’s into the post as I got to see a more personal and outgoing side of yourself! 

I like how you approach maintaining a professional image online as all these questions you ask yourself are a great way to ensure you are still presenting yourself in a professional way while upholding to keep your privacy secure. I appreciated how you said that we should still maintain being ourselves no matter personal and professional. This is key, especially in the professional digital world in that employers are not going to want to interact with someone that is bland and doesn’t express themselves or showcase interests or goals.(In a professional manner)

It was great getting to read your blog post as it was very organized and to read and understand. Thanks for sharing!
